Thursday, January 28, 2010

Life in the Fast Lane is Like the Slow Lane only More Annoying

So between college, work, HOMEwork, and sleep I find myself falling behind on my poor poor blog. I am so sorry blog, please forgive me? It's pretty late, and I am very tired so this is a very short entry.
I am seeing a guy named Jac (French, not sure how to spell it so sue me). Met him in Creative Writing, we're going to go see a movie tomorrow. Our wedding is set for the fall, I am currently unsure of the date. More on my favorite French guy at a later date. Sleep well my friends! (I will...right through my alarm I'll bet).

Friday, January 22, 2010

Family Loyalties, American Justice and Inevitable Heartbreak

I'd like to consider myself withdrawn enough to be able to do things I may not really want to do, and I don't mean doing the dishes, I mean like having to put a dog down because it's sick even though I would really rather not. Apparently that is not sister has me beat in that aspect, and it sucks.
I'm not happy to say that she's more capable of doing what's right than I am, but I think it's true. My dad was in jail for his sixth (or seventh, but who's counting?) DUI, now he's on work release. Yesterday I saw him sitting at my grandma's counter on my way to class. I don't know how much you know about jail time and work release, but you're released for work only, not sitting at your mother's (my grandmother's) counter for a social visit. Which means that he could get into serious trouble for such an offense...and I wasn't supposed to tell anyone.
God, I didn't want to. I didn't miss him until I realized he was there, and then I was so glad to see him. I mean he's my dad, of course I'd miss him. I'm not going to go tell my sisters that, it's a total sign of a too soft heart. He's never really been there if you know what I mean, so why should I miss him?
I didn't want to get him in trouble, and despite the fact that I could get into trouble for aiding and embedding or whatever, I was and am perfectly content to keep my silence. There is one person, however, that does not share my feelings. My mother. I damn well couldn't call the cops on my own father, could I? But she can. So I called her this morning, and I told her. She wouldn't call anyone, or tell anyone if I asked her not to, she's not going to put me into that position. But I knew deep down (cliche much?) that I had told her because I wanted her to tell someone. I couldn't do it, but she could. I couldn't tell on him, but if they ask me, I won't lie for him.
Everyone's going to know I did it, that I told on him because really, who else knew? And they'll be pissed for sure, and I'll feel like a traitor to my family (his side anyway), turning dad over to 'American Justice', but you have to understand...I had no choice. I may not have Sav's mad bravery, and lack of concern for the thoughts of those close to me, but I like to think I'm not a complete coward. Wish me luck...they'll have my head on a platter for this.

Thursday, January 14, 2010

College Life in High School

So I've finished my classes at the High school and am now just taking college courses. Let me just say it FLIPPING ROCKS!!!!! Creative Writing workshop has this really cute guy in it who is minoring in Creative writing. He's a much better poet than me, not that that's difficult. We had to write a poem and read it to the class, because it has been requested, I'll be posting that poem on my other blog; Living in the World of Make-Believe.
I have a feeling college life is going to be fun. ; D

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

When Yelling at Your Boss

So I got into one of our many fights with my manager, John. He said I was constantly invading his space and bumping me so he was banning me to the 'hole' (the present window where we hand out food). I have nothing to do in the hole so I just stood there with my arms crossed, and we suddenly got really busy. Just to tick him off I started calling, "Well John, I'd get the shakes and coffees to save you time, but I can't go passed that line (he drew a line on the ground with his foot)." and "John, could you serve it or are you going to have problems remembering a Mcdouble and small fry?" Then when I had everything but a jug of chocolate milk, which I should've been able to get myself because I had a mini cooler in my area, but was out of chocolate milk. So I tell him I need him to go get some and he reaches over my barrier, trying to strangle me. He couldn't reach and I laughed. Then he checks my cooler to make sure I was telling the truth and declared I did it on purpose.
After twenty minutes of all this (he banned me and the grill people were making fun of me), I think screw it and start to follow him around. It takes him about five minutes to notice and he goes, "Oooo you're in trouble now." To which I tell him, "So ground me, I'm doing my job which does not involve standing around doing nothing." John then decides we'll switch. So then he's banned to the hole and he puts a foot over the line so I push him back and our other manager, Rachel arranges two carts to block him in. All he can do is make the McCafe products and the drinks. So then he starts calling the same stuff I'm always calling to him and I'm telling him to zip it. Rachel was helping me and he's like, "Well don't help her!" And the grill team is egging us on, telling me to 'show him who's boss'. I was yelling at the grill team to get me my food and being John, the manager, and John was being annoying.
So because of an argument, I got to be manager for an hour. It was fun, and the customers watched us all, laughing. A better time at work I've never had.

Friday, January 1, 2010

The Year it All Went to Hell (Sounds like a good story title...)

No more New Years blues, I hung out with my best friend's mom last night. Yeah...just me and her mom. Now I'm trying to clean clean clean so that when mom get's back it's just like when she left it. Wish me luck, and happy New Year! Two more years until the world ends! (Or so they say...)