Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Outdone by my own Creativity

So that guy that I mentioned I liked? Still like him. He's still a great guy, and I'm still forever trying to read him. Every sentence that comes out of his mouth gets analyzed, re-analyzed, set aside, then analyzed again. I keep trying to find his motivation, his internal plans, his quiet feelings.
We went out to a movie once, I've hung out and watched t.v. one other time with him, and I understand he's busy, but I'm just so flippin' paranoid.
I don't drink, smoke, do drugs, have sex, go party, etc. He was the first guy in all my eighteen (nearly nineteen) years that I've ever gone on a date with, hopefully the first guy I kiss, but I can't help panicking.
What could a guy like him, see in a girl like me? I'm so 'clean' it's not even funny and I'm not at all like his last girlfriend. I'm not saying I'm a bad bet, but what would you think in my position? I'm 'corruptible' and he's a nice guy who doesn't seem the 'corrupting' type, you get me? Plus he goes to bars with friends, and I don't have a problem with that okay? I don't have a problem with drinking, he's legal after all, but I can't go can I? That's one of his favorite past times and I can't even go. What does that say?
In my mind, I see all the best possible outcomes, and I mean those far out ones too. The ones where he loves me, where we're dating, where he meets my family. Maybe that tells you that I want that, and so what if I do? It's not a crime.
And I'm not saying it has to be him. I'm not saying I love him even because I don't, plain and simple. I admire him, sure. Think he's a great guy, like him a lot too, but I don't love him. I don't want him to meet my family. I just like the fantasies. I've also mentally created all of the possible bad outcomes. The ones where he just doesn't want to hurt my feelings, where he's gay, he's married (not really all that likely) or dating someone else no one knows about. The ones where this is all an elaborate joke, something to laugh about later. "Look what I got her to do this time!"

Point is, I can't take the not knowing, the uncertainty. I just want to know what's what. I want to know what he's thinking and feeling at this point. I want to know if I mean something of any remote value to him, not much just a speck. Is that too much to ask? Why are guys so complicating?

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