Monday, November 30, 2009

I Don't See Any Cracks

So the my most recent (like there's so many that I have to clarify) ex's friend has been e-mailing me lately. He keeps telling me his friend and I were so cute together and that he hoped we lasted. I kept saying stuff like, "We're over." "We keep in touch, but I just don't see it working out." I've tried it all, you know? I haven't been completely honest and told him that the main reason I broke up and refuse to re-date his friend is because the guy's nineteen, has no job, lives with his mother, and doesn't go to school. Does that sound bitchy? Let me explain, shall I? So living with your parents is no big deal, plenty of college students do it, but he has not made one comment on getting a job, or at least not a serious one. You can't live with your parents forever, and if he doesn't want to go to college fine, but there's no future with the guy. Get it?
He thinks about now and only now, he's not thinking about what he's going to do later on. I'm mostly about the here and now, but I'm about the future too. I have ambitions, goals, dreams, etc. I want to know that he does too.
I didn't tell his friend this, what I told his friend was that I was going to college and I was working, and I didn't see how it could possibly turn out any good if we continued it when it was more than likely going to blow up in our faces. He laughed and was like, "Live in the here and now." I replied, "I do, but I like to look at the big picture too sometimes." "Well sometimes the big picture breaks." I get what he's saying, but I'm not willing to give up the possibilities I stand to lose dating his friend again if his friend isn't willing to do something with his life. So I told him, "Yeah well, I don't see any cracks." And hopefully, that's the end of that.

The Life of a Writer

So for the banner of my phone it says WWJD and then the background is the Bailout plan picture. Pretty witty if I do say so myself. I think it looks awesome. It will remain my background for at least a week. In other news, I am writing like crazy both for fun and for homework. I go to the writing lab tomorrow at one in order to get help with my two revision's going to be a blast I can tell.

Sunday, November 29, 2009

When the Very World Is At Risk

So Andrew took a picture of a sign for me in front of some randome church that said, "God sent Jesus: The one bailout plan that worked" Does no one else find that the least bit amusing? Anyways, I revised one of three essays I'm working on (revision wise, I'm also working on another essay, but it's not a revision). Thanksgiving was fun, got a kiss from my cute little cousin after he yanked on my earrings. Adorable. My sister and I then told dad to either adopt or get married and have a few more. Savannah said he should adopt twin Chinese babies, a boy and a girl so that they could protect us with Kung-Fu. Then I said "No, a British baby." At which my sister laughed. It was a joke from a stand-up comedian whose name I do not recall. We thought it was funny, so we bring it up every once in a while (only her and I know what we're laughing about). An arguement soon began. She was all, "British kids aren't born with the accent, stupid." And then I was like, "Yeah well my British kid is just as likely to have a British accent as your Chinese twins are to know Kung-Fu." On and on we went. The winner is yet to be decided (*cough* me *cough*).
Oh, I ran out of paper and I didn't want to run to my moms to get some so I sent a text out...guess whose friends dropped paper off at WORK? Mine of course! Two entire packs, and they were college rule! If my friends were males I'd marry them...alas they are not so I cannot. Too bad.

Sunday, November 15, 2009

When Holidays Clash

So currently on our front porch we have pumpkins, squash and gourds (thanksgiving/halloween decorations, you know) and if I'm not mistaken, a ghost. Right besides these are just recently added on Christmas lights...maybe it's just me, but I don't know that Halloween (rumored to be the Devil's holiday) and Christmas (Jesus' birthday...) are all that fond of one another so putting their decorations together can only bring about one thing; WAR. I'm curious as to the winner of this war because I can't honestly pick who would win. I mean Christmas is all about presents (AND giving) while Halloween is all about candy (AND giving...away your candy that is). Presents or candy, presents or candy...I just don't know. Who do YOU think will win this front yard battle? I think maybe Christmas (the whole Good always conquers know how it goes) but I could be wrong. Wouldn't be the first time.
Oh! And my drawer was short $10 last night because when I thought I gave the lady the wrong change, I had actually given her the RIGHT change and she'd switched out the bills. Yeah I was conned. Pretty upset about it too. Who cheats you out of a flippin' ten man? It's ten bucks!

When Going To China, Pack A Survival Food Kit (With No FISH)

Guess what, guess what? It's time for the Christmas COUNTDOWN!!!!!! Ha ha, no not really. That doesn't start until December because any earlier is just stupid (no offense all you Christmas fanatics, I mean I guess Santa counts down starting the day after doesn't he?). Has anyone seen the preview for the Squeaqual to Alvin and the Chipmunks? Ooooh yeah, they went there. But don't worry, it's going to have the Chippettes in it too this time. I know you were all waiting anxiously for the girls' return. Well don't you fret, they're back.
Andrew called and tried to get me to take him to China. Alas, I had to turn him down for I don't think I could have made it back for work. He then told me a story about me and Jackie Chan. Apparently we were married but got divorced due to inconsolable differences...forget that dear Jackie is like 50, I go for the older men...or so I've been told. Anyway, I went to China to find Jackie and try to fix everything and Jackie was there because he thought I'd be in China (I interrupted at this point to inquire as to why I would ever be in China when I don't speak Chinese...Andrew added in a fun fact into the story. "Blankety Blank often interrupts people's stories, that affects the story not at all, just a fun fact"). That was the end of his story...yeah it's a cliff hanger.
Don't worry all, I won't leave you anxious to find out if Jackie and I made up, I came up with an ending all my own. While in China, I met a giant Scottish man who tried to steal pencil. He broke it and bought me a new, better one and I fell in love and married him on the shores of...the beach? Yeah, I wanted mountains, but you know giant Scottish men...they think they're king of the house (they are not). Anyway, Jackie also met a nice woman. She was an Italian professor. She was closer to his age and they married and lived happily ever after for about a month and three quarters. THE END
How's that for a best seller eh? Mmmhmm. I know.

Saturday, November 14, 2009

Miss You Long Time (little humor there...)

So work was fun today. Listened to "Haven't Met You Yet" by Michael Buble and I've gotta say that I absolutely love the song. But back to work...there's a customer that comes through about twice almost every day and I'm always there when he comes through the second time because I work nights. Unfortunately I was not at work last night when he came through, and I guess he told Ashley who was working to tell me I need to work more day and he missed me. Now he's an older guy in his 40's and not some cute high schooler, but it was funny to me. He came through again tonight and told me about it and how it was just wrong without me to hand him his food. Then he asked if I'd gotten my ACT scores back yet. I have not...
I did get my first English essay back. It was AP (Almost Pass) and I was told I should revise it and make it pass. I am not enthusiastic about that particular idea. I'll do it sooner or later. First I need to take my placement test for PSO next semester and look for a few more scholarships...and finish my latest essay. Then I'll get to work on a revision. I'm just not fond of that particular paper and I don't want to revise the stupid thing. I'll get to it though.
Let me leave you with this; go watch The Ugly Truth it's a hoot (ha ha, no really, it's actually quite good).

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Funny and Fabulous

Got a car, or mom's boyfriend got me a car. They irritate me often, but this car is really great and I really appreciate it. It's got a mattress in the back for...well okay I can't say I'm entirely sure what I'll ever use it for, but I'm keeping it for the fun of it. I've gotta go catch up on every possible thing, just thought I'd mention that.
Oh, and Andrew called for no apparent reason with a "Hey darlin' what's up?" And then told me when Michael comes over he's probably going to call me so he can hear Michael say, "Hey pumpkin!" I know...they're weird. But hey, they make you laugh right?

Monday, November 9, 2009

Real Men Wear Pink Aprons

Like my exceptionally awesome father who put on grandma's pink apron. Don't worry, I took pictures and sent it out to friends for laughs. He wasn't nearly as amused, but man did he look funny. Not only that, but he was wearing women's pants the following pants. Granted they were too big (waayyyy too big) for me, but they were mine and I do not feel comfortable sharing my pants with my father.
In other news, my English teacher cancelled class...again. It is now officially starting to piss me off. I like her and everything but she lacks organizational skills and follow through...both of which I also lack, but then I'm not planning to become a teacher now am I? No. I'm not.
Let's think about the necessary qualities it takes to do our dream jobs before we decide to become a professional in that area, shall we? If you aren't good at getting things done on a schedule, don't teach. If you can't spell don't be come an editor. If you can't ride a horse, don't give horse back riding lessons. Quite honestly, I want to know why the 'back' part is needed in that title because what other part of the horse are you riding? 0_O Think about this stuff guys, it's not rocket science (and unless you love science, don't become a rocket scientist).

Friday, November 6, 2009

Two Stubborn Idiots Walk into a House...And the Police Get Called In

So yeah, my dad called the cops on my sister. I've gotta make this short and sweet, but he should've just left her alone. Now she's just going to mope all weekend. Super! You don't even want to know the entire story.

How to Unask A Question

So I get a text last night from a fellow employee, blah blah blah. You don't care, I'm not dialoguing the entire conversation. Basically all I want to share with you is that I mentioned that I wanted to go to the movies today, and somehow he translated that into I wanted to go on a date with him...I don't know how "Finally got a Friday off. Wanna go see a movie tomorrow. I doubt I will but hopefully..." translates into that, but then again, I thought 'green hammer' instead of 'red hammer'. You won't get that unless I explain about the e-mail. Maybe I'll post it on here and you guys can comment on what it says about you.
Don't worry about the guy by the way, he uninvited himself (after he sent me into a panic attack where I texted Andrew "YOU'RE a guy! How do I unask someone I never asked out out?"). So if I go to the movies, it won't be with him. I no that was a major concern for you.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

The Answer Is...False

Okay so I was sent a forward text on how to know if a boy (or girl) likes you. We've all gotten these stupid things right? And do they ever help one iota? No. But if you're like me, you read through it anyway for whatever hope that something will magically happen. This time as I was reading it and it just made me angry. Go through this checklist with me will you?

If a Guy Likes You;
  • He stares at you a lot (I mean he looks at me a lot, stares if he thinks something wrong, but I'd say no, damn)
  • Uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a conversation. (He does that, other guys do that...I swear it's just how they think)
  • He mocks you to make you laugh (Yeah...everyone does that, I hardly think that's key)
  • He calls you cute or pretty and it makes you smile (does adorable count? It makes me feel like a five year old when they smile and say "you're so cute/adorable!" What the hell is that?)
  • He calls you hon or babe. (One guy calls me sweetheart and another calls me dear or darlin'...they both have girlfriends..I think)
  • He worries about your problems along with his (He does that, but he worries about everyone, I mean it's just how he is)
  • He is protective
  • He is always close to you (Nope)
  • He looks straight in your eyes (That's how you have a conversation...)
  • He listens to you and remembers what you say (Yes, there are quite a few that do that, conversation is not 'i love you')
  • He takes pictures of you even when you say you hate it (No, and he's damn lucky he doesn't because I'd kill him)

So see, he does a majority of those and he has a girlfriend. That's all bull. And don't even get me started on the if a 'girl' likes you.

  • She steals your things so you will chase her(Um...yeah no, no I don't steal anyone's things...unless they're a friend and we're messing around)
  • She's always smiling (Um...yeah usually, but not because of him)
  • She says random things so you will pay attention (I do that to's what I do)
  • She hugs you (no, he hugs me...I usually try to pull away. I love hugs and all, but I feel weird doing it)
  • She stares at the sky thinking about you (Nope, I stare at the sky thinking about what to write about and what I'm going to do to get to the next day).
  • She complains about her hair and makeup and clothes, etc. (, I don't usually wear makeup, nor do I bring it up in front of him)
  • She makes her attraction to you obvious....I certainly hope not

See what's wrong with this? Maybe it's just me, but none of that applies! Hey, maybe that's why I never

I'm sick today, can barely speak and I had to have my dad call off work for me because I apparently cannot call off myself. The only time I've ever called off and I have to deal with that crap. Well whatever, it's not like I want to miss work, I feel horrible knowing they were counting on me to close today, but there's nothing I could do about it unless they don't mind me whispering to the customers over the headset and screwing up orders because of it. I could do that, I shouldn't handle food though, what with all the coughing and the "I wanna throw up and die" outlook. Whatever, I don't stay sick long. It'll be back tomorrow...hopefully.

Monday, November 2, 2009

Yeah, if Kittens Were Killers

So I lost my voice yesterday at the middle of an order and it wasn't even a little lost, it just disappeared! Then the manager goes, "Why are you talking like that?" Umm, I don't know, it sounded like fun? What the hell?! I got it back, but it's going in and out like A.M. radio. Flippin' sucks. I've never lost my voice and now it wants to leave me like my pencil?! What am I supposed to do with no voice and no pencil? That's all I have to entertain myself with! My friends find this all utterly fantastic.
What's worse? No ride home from school at ALL this week, and I life a good 45 minute bike ride (so what's that, 2 hour walk?) from the school, and it's cold outside, and I'm already sick. do the math. I'm going to die this week! The only possible outcome of all this!
Getting away from the 'I'm dying, so you'd better get your fill of me now before I'm dead and gone' topic, someone from work gave me his number last night.
I don't flirt, I don't get hit on, and I don't date, so I don't know if it's a friendly gesture or a "I like you, wanna go out?" one. Help? He wrote it on a paper towel, just his name and number, no side comment or anything. Just handed it to me and said, "Put it in your pocket."
What am I supposed to do with it? I'm worried he likes me and I'm leading him on, or he'll think that all my freaking out means I like him and he doesn't really like me so it'll get all awkward...phew, guys are so complicating.
I mean I did call his face beautiful last night, but I used air quotes as in. "Adam makes me want to punch him right in his 'beautiful' face all the girls seem to like so much." Wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been standing right behind me when I said that. And apparently, he didn't catch the air quotes...yeah.
How else did last night suck? The maintenance guy, Jeremy and the grill guy Craig that I closed with yesterday wouldn't stop 'messing' with me. So I yell at Craig and he takes a step back and Jeremy goes, "Don't mind her, she doesn't bite. She's about as ferocious as a kitten." WHAT?! I am too ferocious! Why is it they always say, "You're so adorable, you couldn't scare anyone," like it's a compliment? I could scare someone! I am scary, they'll see.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

We Are Gathered Here Today to Mourn the Loss...

The cat chewed up my favorite (*cough*only*cough*) pencil and now I have absolutely nothing to write with. Do you know how frustrating that is for me? What am I supposed to do all day when I can't write? How am I supposed to do homework? " don't do homework." I hear, well no, but that's beyond the point. If I wanted to do homework,I can't now.
Also, I'm trying to find ways to make some more money for college next year, a car, a book case, the third season of Psych (come on, who doesn't like that show?) Any ideas for me? Keep in mind I'm seventeen for a few more months, so I can't really get a full-time job, or work more than 20 hours a week (a rule that I seem to continue breaking). I was thinking of maybe selling my soul, that's gotta be worth something right? Well it was a thought...

What It Takes to Win Me Over

So this guy came through drive thru today with his (assumingly) wife and kids. "You're not going trick-or-treating?" he asked. I laughed and said, "Man I wish, I was really hoping for some kit-kat bars." Then I turn and get him his change and when I give it to him he hands me a kit-kat bar and says "Happy Halloween"
I'm in love with a thirty-ish year old who came through drive thru and gave me a kit-kat. I LOVE kit-kats! And reeces, but seriously, that was not what I was expecting. Five stars to the man in the truck with the candy that may or may not contain date rape (I sincerely doubt it, I mean how was he going to benefit from that? I was working). I only mention that because Stefan told me not to eat it...I did because it was a kit-kat bar and well worth the risk. I also informed my friends I was getting married. Andrew wants to throw a bridal shower...I do not want a bridal shower, I want to go trick or treating.