Monday, November 9, 2009

Real Men Wear Pink Aprons

Like my exceptionally awesome father who put on grandma's pink apron. Don't worry, I took pictures and sent it out to friends for laughs. He wasn't nearly as amused, but man did he look funny. Not only that, but he was wearing women's pants the following pants. Granted they were too big (waayyyy too big) for me, but they were mine and I do not feel comfortable sharing my pants with my father.
In other news, my English teacher cancelled class...again. It is now officially starting to piss me off. I like her and everything but she lacks organizational skills and follow through...both of which I also lack, but then I'm not planning to become a teacher now am I? No. I'm not.
Let's think about the necessary qualities it takes to do our dream jobs before we decide to become a professional in that area, shall we? If you aren't good at getting things done on a schedule, don't teach. If you can't spell don't be come an editor. If you can't ride a horse, don't give horse back riding lessons. Quite honestly, I want to know why the 'back' part is needed in that title because what other part of the horse are you riding? 0_O Think about this stuff guys, it's not rocket science (and unless you love science, don't become a rocket scientist).

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