Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Outsmarted by the Master

So I've been trying to save my money so that I can get this year of college paid for, but I've been spending said money like mad. I had $12 in my pocket this morning to buy matches for class, but then ended up mooching some off of dad. I thought, 'Hey great! Now I can buy lunch!' And then as I was getting out of the car to rush off to class, I took the money OUT of my pocket because I decided the temptation was too strong, and I really should save the money.
Three hours later, I walk out of lab, walk into the union, grab a bagel and milk and head for check out. Only of course I don't have my money because I knew beforehand that that would happen. I can't believe I fell for that...

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Those Damned Depressing Thoughts Again

They've come back again, not that I should really be all that shocked. Those thoughts that everyone has, that everyone worries about...probably. What happens when the years pass and I'm still by myself? I don't mean that I don't really enjoy hanging out with my friends, or that I'm faking it when I'm smiling and laughing with them, I mean that there are still things that I want to experience and they're not happening.
No one shows interest, and if they do (I can think of like two) I panic and back away like they have some horrible disease. Granted, I didn't really see myself with those guys anyway. I'm having those panicked thoughts that I'm going to settle because I was to scared to voice my admiration for the guy I really liked.
Are you picking up what I'm laying down? (Sorry, I felt like no one uses that phrase anymore and it's a damn shame.) I want someone to come show an interest. To show me I'm not some whacked out psycho and that guys really can like me. Please.