Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Virgin Mary was a Genius

     It's an old and overdone joke to be sure, the whole Mary and Jesus thing, but think about it. She was the first person to think to use that as an excuse. And it's a damn good one, isn't it? "No, I didn't cheat on you...God sent an angel to speak to me, I'm having God's baby!" I mean you can't really call someone out on that, can you? And then no one else can really use it and get away with it. "Nice try Cheryl, but God already got one woman pregnant, I doubt he needs two sons to die on a cross." I'm not going to attempt a religious debate, that would be silly, don't you think? Everyone has their beliefs, no point in trying to change them.
     It's been quite a while since I attempted to post anything, hasn't it? Man, I don't even remember what was going on the last time I spouted out nonsense on this website. So, what to do? Oh right, well I started seeing this guy. Cool as a cucumber this boy. Silly as a clown. As emotionless as the Godfather. I like him a lot. "L" word him a lot, but it's not a word to be tossed around by the like of me. So I treat it the way I should the curse words I dole out without pause. And...and well I might be pregnant.
     Not Virgin Mary pregnant, bastard child pregnant. Or I could be overreacting like I do in almost every case. That's all for the day. Have a nice life, until next time.

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