Wednesday, December 30, 2009
New Year Blues
Is there anything worse than being alone to finish up the year? I mean Grandma and Grandpa...well they're not going to be staying up to greet 2010 with me. At the moment, I'm kind of just hoping someone walks into the house uninvited tomorrow night or something. Otherwise, I think I may just cry.
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Up Then Down Then Up Again
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
Re-Gifting In the Worst Way
Got Andrew a Vikings mug for Christmas, and what did he get me? The Coca Cola glass that I bought for him (he swore he'd pay me back, he never did...that was three Coca Cola glasses). So I essentially bought my own gift, but I didn't realize that when he first said he got me something so I went and bought him a present feeling like I should if he got me something. Basically, I bought myself a present, then bought one for Andrew. Nice huh?
Friday, December 18, 2009
Christmas Bookworm Style
Wednesday, December 16, 2009
No Such Thing as a Stupid Question?
That, my friend, was a stupid question.
Friday, December 11, 2009
Raffles Never Like Me
I don't know if it's just me, but I've never had much faith in drawing and raffles because, let's be honest, you never get your name called. So imagine my surprise when I get a call today saying I'd just one a free two year membership to Lifestyle Gym! I actually won one! Isn't that amazing? Here's the thing though...I've never been to that gym, never even heard of it until today. They had the right name though because they had my cell number and my name...isn't that weird? Now I've just got to figure out what friend of mine goes to that gym...and that shouldn't be too difficult except everyone who has my number...well let's just say I don't think they go to the gym (why should they? They look fine!). Anyway, I turned down the free membership because I'm not actually going to have time for it, you know? So why not let someone else who would use it get it?
Only problem with that is that now I keep thinking I should join a gym and get in shape.
So in the end, I've come to one simple conclusions; RAFFLES ARE EVIL! They mess with your head.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
That One Channel
I don't know if you're like me, but whenever I watch a movie where I fall in love with the main guy...I go from the happy high of watching it to a sulking low because I know I'm never going to find a guy like that. I mean he had an accent, he was funny, he had an one can measure up to his standards! least no one who would fall for me. Regardless, I'm now in the sulking part because he rocked my world.
This version of the Disney 'classic' is out of this world. It's got way more twists, the Queen of Hearts has a son (Jack Heart, get it?). They were sadly lacking the flower people...but they had the white knight, whom I'll admit I do not remember, but then I never enjoyed watching it so that's no surprise is it? Oh! And the white rabbit? Killed in the beginning! Made my day. He and I never really saw eye to eye...
Point of all of this hoopla is that you should most definitely switch on the telly and take a look. It's completely worth being a potato for.
Sunday, December 6, 2009
Over React Much?
Just as I was checking my e-mail, to see (though I didn't think she'd e-mail me) if my teacher e-mailed me about my last two papers, Andrew called. He was asking me for a favor as I was scanning through the e-mail from my teacher and then it said "you passed with flying colors". I may or may not have screamed into his ear...he thought something was wrong and was like, "Blanky (no name) what's wrong? Did you crash? Did you crash the car? What's going on? Are you okay?" Then I had a full on panic attack and was like, "I have to let you go because I'm about to cry, so yeah...I'll pick you up." And then I hung up, screamed again and hugged my sister before crying...I was worried okay? I was freaking and thinking that I wasn't going to pass so it was a big relief. My sister's response? "Don't get my hoodie all wet or I swear." Well boo to you too sis, boo to you too.
Friday, December 4, 2009
For Mom
My parents are divorced, they have been for roughly 9 maybe 10 years. They hate each other, and I have never been able to get along with both of them at the same time. Recently, mom's decided to attempt to get full custody of my sisters (I'm going to be eighteen soon so by the time the courts come to a decision, it won't matter) and we've started talking. They're not exactly meaningful, but they're not ending in arguement either. I really enjoy not fighting with her, and I miss the times when getting along wasn't such an uncommon thing. Mom, if you read this, can you do me one favor? On the left hand side of this blog there's a link that says view my profile. Once you click that, scroll down to the bottom and under My Blogs, click on Living in the World of Make Believe. I posted something for you.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
So Then I'm NOT a Liar
See?! He called me a liar and everything and then I proved that it could happen! So there! Hmph.
Monday, November 30, 2009
I Don't See Any Cracks
He thinks about now and only now, he's not thinking about what he's going to do later on. I'm mostly about the here and now, but I'm about the future too. I have ambitions, goals, dreams, etc. I want to know that he does too.
I didn't tell his friend this, what I told his friend was that I was going to college and I was working, and I didn't see how it could possibly turn out any good if we continued it when it was more than likely going to blow up in our faces. He laughed and was like, "Live in the here and now." I replied, "I do, but I like to look at the big picture too sometimes." "Well sometimes the big picture breaks." I get what he's saying, but I'm not willing to give up the possibilities I stand to lose dating his friend again if his friend isn't willing to do something with his life. So I told him, "Yeah well, I don't see any cracks." And hopefully, that's the end of that.
The Life of a Writer
Sunday, November 29, 2009
When the Very World Is At Risk
Oh, I ran out of paper and I didn't want to run to my moms to get some so I sent a text out...guess whose friends dropped paper off at WORK? Mine of course! Two entire packs, and they were college rule! If my friends were males I'd marry them...alas they are not so I cannot. Too bad.
Sunday, November 15, 2009
When Holidays Clash
Oh! And my drawer was short $10 last night because when I thought I gave the lady the wrong change, I had actually given her the RIGHT change and she'd switched out the bills. Yeah I was conned. Pretty upset about it too. Who cheats you out of a flippin' ten man? It's ten bucks!
When Going To China, Pack A Survival Food Kit (With No FISH)
Andrew called and tried to get me to take him to China. Alas, I had to turn him down for I don't think I could have made it back for work. He then told me a story about me and Jackie Chan. Apparently we were married but got divorced due to inconsolable differences...forget that dear Jackie is like 50, I go for the older men...or so I've been told. Anyway, I went to China to find Jackie and try to fix everything and Jackie was there because he thought I'd be in China (I interrupted at this point to inquire as to why I would ever be in China when I don't speak Chinese...Andrew added in a fun fact into the story. "Blankety Blank often interrupts people's stories, that affects the story not at all, just a fun fact"). That was the end of his story...yeah it's a cliff hanger.
Don't worry all, I won't leave you anxious to find out if Jackie and I made up, I came up with an ending all my own. While in China, I met a giant Scottish man who tried to steal pencil. He broke it and bought me a new, better one and I fell in love and married him on the shores of...the beach? Yeah, I wanted mountains, but you know giant Scottish men...they think they're king of the house (they are not). Anyway, Jackie also met a nice woman. She was an Italian professor. She was closer to his age and they married and lived happily ever after for about a month and three quarters. THE END
How's that for a best seller eh? Mmmhmm. I know.
Saturday, November 14, 2009
Miss You Long Time (little humor there...)
I did get my first English essay back. It was AP (Almost Pass) and I was told I should revise it and make it pass. I am not enthusiastic about that particular idea. I'll do it sooner or later. First I need to take my placement test for PSO next semester and look for a few more scholarships...and finish my latest essay. Then I'll get to work on a revision. I'm just not fond of that particular paper and I don't want to revise the stupid thing. I'll get to it though.
Let me leave you with this; go watch The Ugly Truth it's a hoot (ha ha, no really, it's actually quite good).
Wednesday, November 11, 2009
The Funny and Fabulous
Oh, and Andrew called for no apparent reason with a "Hey darlin' what's up?" And then told me when Michael comes over he's probably going to call me so he can hear Michael say, "Hey pumpkin!" I know...they're weird. But hey, they make you laugh right?
Monday, November 9, 2009
Real Men Wear Pink Aprons
In other news, my English teacher cancelled class...again. It is now officially starting to piss me off. I like her and everything but she lacks organizational skills and follow through...both of which I also lack, but then I'm not planning to become a teacher now am I? No. I'm not.
Let's think about the necessary qualities it takes to do our dream jobs before we decide to become a professional in that area, shall we? If you aren't good at getting things done on a schedule, don't teach. If you can't spell don't be come an editor. If you can't ride a horse, don't give horse back riding lessons. Quite honestly, I want to know why the 'back' part is needed in that title because what other part of the horse are you riding? 0_O Think about this stuff guys, it's not rocket science (and unless you love science, don't become a rocket scientist).
Friday, November 6, 2009
Two Stubborn Idiots Walk into a House...And the Police Get Called In
How to Unask A Question
Don't worry about the guy by the way, he uninvited himself (after he sent me into a panic attack where I texted Andrew "YOU'RE a guy! How do I unask someone I never asked out out?"). So if I go to the movies, it won't be with him. I no that was a major concern for you.
Tuesday, November 3, 2009
The Answer Is...False
If a Guy Likes You;
- He stares at you a lot (I mean he looks at me a lot, stares if he thinks something wrong, but I'd say no, damn)
- Uses the first thing that pops into his head to start a conversation. (He does that, other guys do that...I swear it's just how they think)
- He mocks you to make you laugh (Yeah...everyone does that, I hardly think that's key)
- He calls you cute or pretty and it makes you smile (does adorable count? It makes me feel like a five year old when they smile and say "you're so cute/adorable!" What the hell is that?)
- He calls you hon or babe. (One guy calls me sweetheart and another calls me dear or darlin'...they both have girlfriends..I think)
- He worries about your problems along with his (He does that, but he worries about everyone, I mean it's just how he is)
- He is protective
- He is always close to you (Nope)
- He looks straight in your eyes (That's how you have a conversation...)
- He listens to you and remembers what you say (Yes, there are quite a few that do that, conversation is not 'i love you')
- He takes pictures of you even when you say you hate it (No, and he's damn lucky he doesn't because I'd kill him)
So see, he does a majority of those and he has a girlfriend. That's all bull. And don't even get me started on the if a 'girl' likes you.
- She steals your things so you will chase her(Um...yeah no, no I don't steal anyone's things...unless they're a friend and we're messing around)
- She's always smiling (Um...yeah usually, but not because of him)
- She says random things so you will pay attention (I do that to's what I do)
- She hugs you (no, he hugs me...I usually try to pull away. I love hugs and all, but I feel weird doing it)
- She stares at the sky thinking about you (Nope, I stare at the sky thinking about what to write about and what I'm going to do to get to the next day).
- She complains about her hair and makeup and clothes, etc. (, I don't usually wear makeup, nor do I bring it up in front of him)
- She makes her attraction to you obvious....I certainly hope not
See what's wrong with this? Maybe it's just me, but none of that applies! Hey, maybe that's why I never
I'm sick today, can barely speak and I had to have my dad call off work for me because I apparently cannot call off myself. The only time I've ever called off and I have to deal with that crap. Well whatever, it's not like I want to miss work, I feel horrible knowing they were counting on me to close today, but there's nothing I could do about it unless they don't mind me whispering to the customers over the headset and screwing up orders because of it. I could do that, I shouldn't handle food though, what with all the coughing and the "I wanna throw up and die" outlook. Whatever, I don't stay sick long. It'll be back tomorrow...hopefully.
Monday, November 2, 2009
Yeah, if Kittens Were Killers
What's worse? No ride home from school at ALL this week, and I life a good 45 minute bike ride (so what's that, 2 hour walk?) from the school, and it's cold outside, and I'm already sick. do the math. I'm going to die this week! The only possible outcome of all this!
Getting away from the 'I'm dying, so you'd better get your fill of me now before I'm dead and gone' topic, someone from work gave me his number last night.
I don't flirt, I don't get hit on, and I don't date, so I don't know if it's a friendly gesture or a "I like you, wanna go out?" one. Help? He wrote it on a paper towel, just his name and number, no side comment or anything. Just handed it to me and said, "Put it in your pocket."
What am I supposed to do with it? I'm worried he likes me and I'm leading him on, or he'll think that all my freaking out means I like him and he doesn't really like me so it'll get all awkward...phew, guys are so complicating.
I mean I did call his face beautiful last night, but I used air quotes as in. "Adam makes me want to punch him right in his 'beautiful' face all the girls seem to like so much." Wouldn't have been so bad if he hadn't been standing right behind me when I said that. And apparently, he didn't catch the air quotes...yeah.
How else did last night suck? The maintenance guy, Jeremy and the grill guy Craig that I closed with yesterday wouldn't stop 'messing' with me. So I yell at Craig and he takes a step back and Jeremy goes, "Don't mind her, she doesn't bite. She's about as ferocious as a kitten." WHAT?! I am too ferocious! Why is it they always say, "You're so adorable, you couldn't scare anyone," like it's a compliment? I could scare someone! I am scary, they'll see.
Sunday, November 1, 2009
We Are Gathered Here Today to Mourn the Loss...
Also, I'm trying to find ways to make some more money for college next year, a car, a book case, the third season of Psych (come on, who doesn't like that show?) Any ideas for me? Keep in mind I'm seventeen for a few more months, so I can't really get a full-time job, or work more than 20 hours a week (a rule that I seem to continue breaking). I was thinking of maybe selling my soul, that's gotta be worth something right? Well it was a thought...
What It Takes to Win Me Over
I'm in love with a thirty-ish year old who came through drive thru and gave me a kit-kat. I LOVE kit-kats! And reeces, but seriously, that was not what I was expecting. Five stars to the man in the truck with the candy that may or may not contain date rape (I sincerely doubt it, I mean how was he going to benefit from that? I was working). I only mention that because Stefan told me not to eat it...I did because it was a kit-kat bar and well worth the risk. I also informed my friends I was getting married. Andrew wants to throw a bridal shower...I do not want a bridal shower, I want to go trick or treating.
Saturday, October 31, 2009
Just Call Me Einstien
Mmhmm...yeah so I'm bored and I'm looking for something to do. Here's the deal, you ask questions, I'll answer, I'll ask questions YOU answer!
Yeah, I don't see this working either, but it's worth a shot. I'll go first. Would you ever go skydiving? Why or why not?
**For the record, I think it'd be fun...once you pushed me out of the plane and I landed on the ground...**
That Boy...
Before I fell asleep, I texted Andrew the following; "I'm fine I just don't feel well. Tell everyone to stop looking at me like I'm going to go jump off a cliff."
He texted back and I think he might be mad at me for getting irritated with everyone. "We just care for u ok?"
Like it's my fault that I don't like dealing with people when I feel sick. I'm sorry, but I am not the nicest sick person. He's lucky I wasn't really sick, I mean like throw up, sleep all day sick. The sicker I am the more emotional I get. If it's just a sore throat, sore eyes, and a headache, I'm miserable and antisocial. If it's any worse I'll start crying and become completely intolerable. No need to get mad at me for it. Hmph
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Car Accidents 101
Mom seems to be convinced that I was putting on eyeliner in the car and that's why I wrecked, but seriously? Yeah okay so I had eye liner on, and it was on the floor of the car and the visor was down with the mirror open. So the evidence seems a little damning right? Right. But I don't really ever wear makeup so why would I suddenly feel the need to risk my life for it? What happened is I stopped at grandma's where I had left my eye liner, mascara and eye shadow (I don't really ever use the stuff so I never got around to picking it up). While I was there I saw it in the bathroom, decided to put it on because, hey, why not? Then I put it in my pocket so I wouldn't forget it, grandma took a picture of my hair, and I went back to the car to head to class. Small pockets=uncomfortable when full so I took the makeup out and set it in this little thing between the seats and left.
As I was slamming on the breaks, I remember thinking, "Shit, there's no way I'm going to stop in time aaaaaaaaaaaand---bam---I was correct." I sat there thinking, "Shit mom's going to kill me" and then I turned around because, you know, my folders were in the back seat and I wanted to make sure they were okay. No one ever believed me when I said those were some of the most important things in my life, now I have proof because they're the first thing I checked on. So I started crying because I wasn't going to get to school on time, mom was going to kill me, and well...what the hell was I supposed to do? It ruined all my plans for senior year like taking college courses.
The truck guy starts to walk towards me and I pull down the visor and open the mirror to try and fix that stupid eye liner that I never should have put on, and during the impact the eyeliner fell to the floor.
So see? It can all be explained. Why I'd put makeup on in the car is beyhond me, but I guess if that's what she wants to believe...
Wednesday, October 28, 2009
Why Don't I Do That More Often?
It looks cute if I do say so myself (and I do). Granted I haven't had to style it yet so who knows, maybe I'll shave it off in frustration later. Lady said it brought out my cheek bones, but to be honest they don't need to be brought out since they seem to do that fine on there own.
Everyone likes it though, I stopped by work to show a friend, and then went over to Andrew's (you know, that guy I work with) to show him.
I don't have many male friends for the simple reason that they make me uncomfortable and I don't know how to act around them. Anyway, I go over there and I see Andrew and Ryan, two guys that I am slowly becoming comfortable around, though I still don't want to just go hang out (I forced myself to yesterday, turns out I don't like being called a coward, even if it's in my head). They are not the only guys there unfortunately, there was Daniel, a freshman who seems like one smart cookie (I like him, he's not intimidating, but he's smart) and then there were two others. The only reason I was able to make myself stay was because for the most part, all but Ryan and Andrew were easily deemed 'kiddies' in my eyes, and that always makes me feel better.
I stayed to watch them play football (yeah, that killed), and went in to eat pizza. Right away Andrew's mom rushes forward and goes "Are you 'blankety blankblank'?" (ha ha, did you really think I'd tell you my name?). Awkwaaaaaard. I kind of laugh and nodded she shook my hand and starts talking to me, someone else comes up and goes, "So then I take it you and Andrew are dating?" Shocker....I said no, and I'd have been outta there if Andrew had heard.
I could go on all day giving you the skinny, but bottom line is that by the end of 'dinner' I was feeling pretty confident. I mean around my friends (my female friends, let's face it, I can count on one hand the number of male friends I have) I'm confident and everything. I crack jokes, I'm sarcastic, I'm me. This was different though. I still wasn't comfortable enough to do much of that, but with Ash and everyone I call attention to myself by being obnoxious, I get what I want without feeling awkward, and no one calls any attention on me.
With all of them I was kind of trying to stay off the radar and they're all, "No, no that's ______'s seat" and "Hey man, ladies first!" and "You've got cool hair, but man no one can beat ______'s" and possibly the best of all was the "I lie all of the time, for instance, ______ you're ugly. That's a lie, now here's the truth _______ you're beautiful." Que my even more red face and, "Ha ha, thanks." And then Andrew's offended, "I say that all the time and you look at me like I'm a creeper!" "Because you only say it right before you ask her to take you to Taco Bell" (Ryan) "I agree with him." (Me) "That's not true, you guys are making me look bad in front of my mom." (Andrew).
So I left there feeling good about myself, I mean we're friends so I don't expect, "You're ugly." But there's no need for the compliments, and I don't know how to respond with so many. To be honest I've never really found myself that pretty, I mean I never thought I was drop dead ugly, but it's nice to hear. So the question remains; why don't I do that more often?
Saturday, October 24, 2009
It's Not Me, It's You...Wait
I never once (okay, so there were those momentary, "Maybe he does like me" thoughts, but I always nipped those in the bud) thought he returned the feelings, nor did I think we were going to fall in love and get married. I've given up on that dream...for me anyway.
I heard him talking about it and even though my first thought was, "Well damn" it's not like I went into severe depression or anything, in fact I've been in a spectacular mood all day/night. Let's be honest, I knew, just like I always know when I get a crush (and to be fair, my crushes are like my game addictions; obsessed for a week, interested for a few months, forgotten by the end of the year) that it was a one-sided deal, so it didn't exactly break my heart.
What's that you say? If I'm not upset, then why am I talking about it? Don't be so cold hearted!
I have a tendency to do this thing when I don't care about something. If I don't care about something, I start thinking about it, and then I start to feel like I should, like there's something wrong with me because I don't, and then I twist whatever it is into something that does upset me, and I sit quietly, waiting for someone to inquire about it.
When they don't inquire, I work myself up into a major malfunction and break down. Granted, I fix myself up pretty quick, but I prefer to avoid break downs whenever possible. You understand. So in this case, I've just entered the, "I don't care, but it brings up another good point." And the good point it brings up? What the hell is wrong with me?
I don't need a boyfriend, let me just say that now. I can take care of myself, and I am usually content with whatever happens to have caught my attention for the moment, but--and yes there is a but--what is wrong with me? Why don't guys show an interest? Why do I never get asked to a dance (even if I always say I don't want to go to the stupid thing)? Why does no one ever ask me out on a date?
Don't get me wrong, I'd freak the hell out if they did, and probably say no because I've never been on a date, and what do you even do on those things? It's just that I want to know someone's interested, that I'm not some crazy girl, no one wants to date.
And the guy I like? Well I can say this without fearing he'll read this, because he doesn't know I have this blog. All today he kept telling me I was adorable, and it made me so flippin' happy. Sure people call me adorable...when I stomp my foot in irritation, or get really angry over nothing. They're all like, "God, you're so cute/adorable when you're mad!" And I laugh, act angry and say, "I'm not five, therefore it is not a compliment to call me adorable." But when a guy says it, when for once just once a guy actually looks at me and says I'm adorable, even when I know he doesn't like me, and I know he doesn't mean 'beautiful' or 'gorgeous' because besides gay friends, guys don't tell me that.
I play it off and tell him he's being stupid because I look just the same as I always do, but I like it. So it's not that I'm upset that he has a crush on someone else, it's that I'm upset that I'm never that girl.
Anyway, I had to vent, and it's not something I want to go explain to friends...especially the part where I admitted I wanted to go to a dance. So you were my only option. I'm sorry you were so bored you actually read this. Peace!
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
What Happens At Work...Stay's There?
I'm like a walking bad luck magnet, but it's funny as heck when you think about it so I guess I don't mind all that much. Now I've just got to look for scholarships, a car, and a good luck charm.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
What Is Fun Really?
Last night at work? Let's just say I hope tonight goes better...a lot better.
Wednesday, October 14, 2009
Not Addicted...Just Slightly Obsessed?
Saturday, October 10, 2009
When The Going Get's Tough, We Tough It Out (or Curl Up in a Ball and Die)
Well I'm working on it, way to be supportive. I mean come on, I'm probably the most irresponsible person I know (besides Andrew, but he's in a world all his own so I don't think it's fair to count him) and I've been working really hard (okay, so maybe not really hard, but a half-serious effort. That counts right?) to 'perfect' myself in that particular area.
Like even though I wanted to get far far away from here for college, I came down to earth and realized that since I have to pay for this, I should go in state, close to home. That was a step in the right direction if I do say so myself. As soon as I get accepted (hopefully) I'll start applying for the scholarships that apply to me, and I'm working without complaint and paying what I owe as fast as possible.
I'm looking into checking accounts, and I'm taking out like $5 spending money because of the money I owe. I'm being realistic, and I'm having nightmares that I am fairly certain will not stop until I'm out of college (and even then I can't be sure).
The only thing I think I still need to work on is my need to spend, my lack of self-restraint, my procrastination, my studying habits, and that whole 'mind over matter' thing.
He he...did I say the only thing? Well okay but I have a plan, so that counts too right? I'll work on restraint and the 'mind over matter' and the need to spend first. By showing restraint in what I want to eat and do I cut back spending while making me a healthier person (ideally). By practicing mind over matter I'll start working out, and getting in shape.
Basically, by the time I graduate I hope to be healthy wealth and wise...or at least healthy, smarter and not in debt....or just healthy works.
Man, something tells me senior year is going to be the school year from hell...better go find the ladder, or I may never get out of the hole I'm digging.
Wednesday, October 7, 2009
When the Flash Backs Start, You Know It's Bad
I know they're probably right, that it's not something I should really get involved in, but I just see what she's going through and have a major flashback on the worst time of my life. I can't just let her go through even a small portion of what I had to go through. I'm not going to pretend I know it hurts more when you're young and you don't understand because I don't think that's true at all. It hurts no matter what, who cares who hurts more?
She's not speaking to him, she's so angry with him. I remember not shutting up, I remember screaming at him, I remember my heart breaking every time we fought. I remember not trusting him, being so hurt, being so furious, hating him for what he did. I remember looking for a fight in everything and how much it fucking hurt.
She's not screaming, she's not crying, she's probably not even really hating him, but she's angry and I don't want her to have to go through all of that. I don't want the divorce to ruin their relationship.
God I wish I could have prevented her heartbreak. I'm no psychologist, but I think that's part of the reason I always put guys under the 'friend' label. That way, even if we date and break up, they never had my heart and I can get over it no worse for ware. I wish I could stop doing it, I wish it would hurt sometimes, but it never really does.
That's not the point right now, we can talk about how screwed up I am (psychologically of course) some other time. Right now I wanna know how to keep her from going through any more of it.
Monday, September 28, 2009's in the URL.
While running the risk of repeating myself, I'll say again that while the entries I make on this blog contain some factual information, they aren't 100% truth. So for those of you who believe what you read no matter what, might I suggest you cease and desist? STOP reading my blog if you believe everything I write.
I may feel the need to test your logic, be warned.
Sunday, September 27, 2009
What I Didn't Tell Them
They got quiet just before we got to Andrew's house to drop them off, and what I wanted to say, I kept to myself. I didn't tell them that whenever I found myself fantasizing about a guy that wasn't imaginary, I worked damn hard to get that person in the 'just friends' spot. I may have never fallen in love, but I've had my heart broken.
I'm not going to go into the whole 'poor me, my parents divorced' thing, but they did divorce, and it did break my heart.
I want more than anything (almost) to fall in love and get married, but I don't see it happening. I never want to experience that feeling again. It hurts like hell.
So what I didn't tell them was; "I don't fall in love, because I've felt the impact of finally hitting the ground, and I don't want to experience it again."
Monday, September 21, 2009
Failure With A Capital U (Look At How Confused That Made You!)
It is loosely based on my life, loosely as in yes I had the late night McDonald's conversation and yes I hang with friends before class is canceled, and yes I have a friend who is incapable of answering her phone (and there's a good chance she's reading this, and I dare her to comment her denial...go on I dare you), and yes I am being 'seduced' by a guy from an alternate world.
One of those is false, I'll let you figure out which one. So basically, the realistic parts of the beginning are based on real events, the rest of it? Yeah, it's from the land of make believe.
It's only Monday and I'm ready for this week to be over. Am I alone in that thought?
By the way, if you want to make yourself feel better, might I suggest going to
Stands for "Fuck My Life" funny stuff there, check it out.
Ta ta, I've got a story to obsess over.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Too Long, Too Short, Too Damn Time Consuming
So I had to use bobby pins, do you know how many bobby pins it takes to keep short, thick hair up? Too many that's how many, like twenty. And it still won't stay because let's be honest here, bobby pins are useless by themselves. My hair was still down so I got yelled at again for ignoring her 'warning'.
Where is the solution to all this? Get a friggen haircut obviously because I can't deal with that crap. I don't spend time on my hair besides drying it because it dries funky. It's B.S. and I'm chopping it off again...
Where Have All The Good Guys Gone?
I've got to find a way to chop my hair off again. It's officially too long to wear down at work, and too short to go into a ponytail or pigtails. Dude, I'm going to go play Zelda on the Wii.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Leave the Folders? I Say Nay
But he starts talking about dope and how it's okay as long as it doesn't control your life, he has bisexual tendencies but he would never 'bang a guy' (his words not mine), drinking it more dangerous than dope, I shouldn't become addicted, I seem like a quiet girl; do I like to party? It went on and on and on, and I'll admit I found him pretty cool...despite the fact that he smokes, drinks and does dope. He's my kind of guy, that guy (who is twenty in case you were wondering).
So then he left, saying he didn't want to keep me from getting home...the conversation lasted a half an hour.
BEFORE that though I had a cute guy on a motorcycle behind me on the way to Ash's for the football game party...half of us (not me) are in the band, so we hang out before games...I always try to make it. So as he was behind me, I really wanted to pull over and ask him to give me a ride. I didn't though because then what would I do with my folders? I couldn't leave them in the car.
Ex-boyfriend has a new girlfriend...he says anyway. If this is a way of making me's not working because I don't care. That should be awesome, but shouldn't I care? I think maybe there's something not right about me....
Monday, September 14, 2009
Thou Shalt Not Kill
Went to dinner at Taco Bell with two gay guys and was awkward. First because I was the only girl. Second because I'm not good with guys, they make me nervous. And Third because I felt left out so I took to reading the sauces. Speaking of which, will you marry me?
Ha ha ha....
Yeah, I'm going to go write before I'm killed in my sleep by an unhappy murderer.
Sunday, September 13, 2009
On James Madison and Other Essays
She's not the only tough assignment this weekend though, my Government homework is difficult too. I have half of it done, but I don't understand what we were supposed to read, so I can't imagine my answers are right so far. *sigh* This college thing is more challenging than I thought.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Grandmother What An Empty Wallet You Have
My sisters, two of our cousins, grandma and I went to see Tyler Perry's; I Can Do Bad All By Myself. It was an awesome movie, just as funny as the rest, and just as much of a lesson. Now I've gotta go talk grandma out of taking them all to walmart for 'breakfast food'. If they asked her to buy them each a horse she'd find a way. *rolls eyes* Drives me and Savannah nuts with all her spoiling.
Hey! How was Psych last night, do you know? I didn't get to see it, but I'll catch it tonight, on that you can trust me.
Friday, September 11, 2009
Murder is a Sin, but God is it Tempting
Did I mention that she made me 15 minutes later to the movie on Wednesday? No? Well she did...I missed the beginning and then she went on and on about how bad of a driver I am.
The only thing stopping me from killing her is mom's "No blood spilled on the carpet" rule.
Well at least I got to go to my friend's house before the game and hang out with everyone. I haven't seen much of them lately.
Off I go to sulk and curse little sisters. Have an enchanting Friday night.
Thursday, September 10, 2009
What's a Wee Lass Want With a Huge Scottish Man?
Think about it, it'd be awesome arguing with him, he could pick me up (though if he did, I'd probably get very angry and slightly violent myself), lock me in a room (I'd get out) and order me around (not that I'd listen...I'm a poor listener). It'd be awesome.
Okay so yeah, I may have been reading a bit too many 16th Century Scottish romances, but doesn't he sound spectacular? I wouldn't say dreamy because it's a gag worthy word. Man, the idea of someone like that liking me and arguing with me (so I like arguing, it's not a fault! It's invigorating) and trying to control me (I'll admit, I enjoy it when someone tries to boss me around and defying them...especially when they like me all the better for it)....that's what I want.
Find me a Scottish man and I'd love you forever! *sighs* Oh if only dreams came true.
Of course I know it'll never happen, but a girl can hope can't she?
Wednesday, September 9, 2009
Welcome to the Wonderful World of Suspension
So yeah, it's not exactly vacation, but the manager who called knows I didn't take it, and says to just be careful next time. No harm no foul...though I don't think that applies.
We're going to go see G.I. Joe: Rise of the Cobra. Wish me a safe trip.
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
Cross Off My Vacation Time, I Beg of Thee
I was mugged walking home from school today, he took my favorite book. We chased after him with my friend's pepper spray and tackled him to the ground. I got my book back and he went to jail for murder.
Ha, just kidding. I'm completely bored.
Sunday, September 6, 2009
The Proper Conduct of a McDonalds Employee
He then waited a good ten minutes after he got off for me to BUY him a sundae. The kid is truly unbelievable. The way he is with food is enough to make anyone laugh. He's wasted about $80 on fast food alone this week, and he's not even fat. I tell you, the world is not fair.
One day I was closing with him and this really big order came through, so he's rushing around making the food and I'm taking the money and chatting with the customer outside the window. All of the sudden there's a loud bang followed by his cries of, "Are you kidding me?"
My head whipped around to look at him and I burst out laughing. You see the tartar sauce, mac sauce, etc. comes in these types of guns. Well when he was rushing to grab the tartar sauce, he dropped it. It shot tartar to the ceiling, and when Andrew turned around, arms raised in the universal signal of, "What the hell?" he had it all over his face and arm.
Mayo later found it's way on his other side, and he now hates closing. The kid is more clumsy than me, he doesn't belong so close to dangerous objects.
By the way, I was not mugged today. I know you were all wondering, but alas I was just too quick for the muggers of this small town, though I'll admit it was a close call. Maybe next time, huh?
Saturday, September 5, 2009
They Found My Stash!
So yeah, mom doesn't like me reading Nora Roberts type books, and I don't like being told what not to read, so I read them anyway. She found them, and my diary (which she read, but the jokes on her because I haven't written in that thing for months) under the bed while I was at a friends house talking about how I should rehide them because she was bound to look at them. Talk about bad timing.
Jeeze, it was horrible, but never fear, I had a plan of action; hide them in the trunk of my car. They can't stay there for long but whatever, I'll work on it. Maybe a take out a wall and hollow out a hiding spot? Somehow I think that would just really piss her off, a hole in the wall I mean.
In other news, I finished half of my homework...well half of half but that rounds up right? Yeah, thought so. I have to go to work in a few hours and I still have to shower, read (yes that's actually a part of my schedule, but I'm behind and need to catch back up with the schedule), and write a bit of that story like I promised my friend.
Does anyone else think that my life story is completely and utterly unfun? Maybe next time I can talk about a would-be mug....probably not, no one mugs you in small far anyway.
Friday, September 4, 2009
Starting Out
Fiction is my greatest accomplishment, and I'll say right here and now that it sometimes slips in with the facts. Not enough to change my life, but just enough to make it more interesting. Since this is kind of like a prologue, I should introduce myself, huh?
Name? Don't need one because it doesn't matter. Occupation? Currently working drive through at McDonald's. Education? Finishing my senior year of high school, and taking two college courses. Family? Two sisters, a mom, a dad, mom's boyfriend, and a list of others, but it's way too long. Friends? Enough to not want to list them all.
Anything else? No? How unfortunate, I mean I had a list of useless facts to give you. My favorite color, names of all my past boyfriends (as if I had that many...three, that's all), etc. Now that I've sent you merrily down the path of boredom, I shall end this with a fare thee well, and wish you luck.